I measured the water temperature in the Thames near Teddington at the weekend. It was 5.9 degrees. That's still too cold for me but hints of spring are in the air and I'm looking forward to warmer water soon as I've got some good swims lined up for 2018.
Yesterday I joined
the scramble for places at Brownsea Island. Luckily I have a good broadband connection and managed to get my entry in within the first few minutes as it was full in under half an hour. I'm also planning to do the 10km Open Swim Stars event in Paris in June and, a week later (if my arms have recovered), Oceanman's 14km paddle across Lago D'Orta in Italy. I hope to see some of you there. Taking part in swimming events abroad is one of my favourite things. Also, check out some of the options from
our newsletter sponsor this week, Marnaton. I did their Cadaques swim last September and loved it.
Back at Outdoor Swimmer HQ we're putting the finishing touches to our March issue, which goes to press tomorrow. It's a swim travel special with a six page spread on swimming holidays and how to
choose one that's perfect for you. In the training section we learn how linking the actions of different parts of your body creates coupling motions that enable you to swim faster than using the individual parts alone. We also look at how sports psychology can help your swimming and review the fascinating history of one of the world's classic long distance swims, the Gibraltar Strait crossing.
We sold out of our February issue so we're
making the March issue available for pre-order to help us know how many to print. If you're not yet a subscriber to the magazine and want to see a copy, please reserve one here.
Enjoy the newsletter and happy swimming,
Founder & publisher, Outdoor Swimmer
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