We hope you are enjoying a long weekend of outdoor swimming. The May issue of Outdoor Swimmer ships later this week and we are super excited about the new issue – as well as lots of new content and columnists we have also have a fresh new look. Below is a little taste of what's coming up.
If you are not yet a subscriber, order your copy now for delivery hot off the presses. We can't wait to hear what you make of this edition when it lands on your doormat.
In the May issue
- How weather can affect your open water swim
- How to train for your first open water mile
- Where to swim in the Lake District on your summer staycation
- How pioneer women swimmers not only took on men in the open water but also campaigned for the vote
- Training sessions to ease you back into the pool
In the new issue we also ask are you swimming in sewage – and what you should do about it. How to swim safely in river pools. When is too old to take up outdoor swimming. And how to swim safely with your dog.
Plus... more in-depth features & interviews, outdoor swimming news, training & technique, nature & wildlife and kit reviews.
Order your copy now - it's Open Season!
Jonathan, Luke, Ella and the team x