Swimming, and particularly outdoor swimming, is one of the least
diverse sports. One of the central tenets of Outdoor Swimmer
magazine is that it should be an inclusive space that promotes open water swimming for all.
But while we love to say open water swimming is for all, that is aspirational rather than a statement of truth.
Yes we are a sports magazine but we also represent a community
of swimmers both in the UK and internationally. Diversity isn't
something we pay lip service to with a few timely social media posts,
it is something that informs the work we do with every issue of the magazine.
It means that alongside training and technique advice we also publish features that challenge preconceptions and address issues around diversity and accessibility in swimming. It means featuring a diverse range of swimmers, including people of colour, on our front covers.
But there is much more we can do to better represent diverse voices
on our pages and steps we can all take to make outdoor swimming,
and the outdoor world in general, more equitable. Going forward, we
are committed to improving across all of our platforms.
For this newsletter, we share some of our most recent features highlighting organisations and individuals doing great work to promote diversity in outdoor swimming.