The June issue of Outdoor Swimmer magazine is out now with 102 pages of
inspirational features, downloads, podcasts and video, including:
- Return to the Open Water - Eight week training plan to regain fitness and feel for the water
- The Innocent Truth of Skinny Dipping - We strip off and swim truly wild and free!
- A Beginners' Guide to Wetsuits, including the best suits for under £275
- Favourite UK wild swimming spots and their Mediterranean equivalents
- A Different Channel - Lockdown resolutions
- Swimterview with author Lenka Janiurek about her new book Watermarks
- Source to Sea - Tackling micro-plastic pollution
- Swim Specific Pilates to keep you fit and injury free
- Six Steps to Thrive and Survive
- Bold and Beautiful - swimming with the world's biggest daily ocean swim club
- English Channel Escapades - the weird history of not swimming the Channel
And that's just a taster of what's in the June digital issue!
So, if you're missing your outdoor swimming fix, you need help getting your swim-fitness back or want to take up a new life-changing hobby download the new issue now.