While some swimmers have been jubilant at getting back in the water, others are urging caution for fear of putting stress on the emergency services or placing themselves or others in potentially dangerous situations.
Below we share some safety guidelines from swim bodies and talk to the operators of open water venues about their plans to provide lifeguarded swimming while adhering to government coronavirus regulations. We also provide a directory of supervised open water venues.
Regardless of whether you
choose to swim at this time, we are looking forward to a future when we can all get back in the water together safely, take part in events and meet up with our swim buddies for a chat, a drink and a big hug. Hopefully that time isn’t too far away.
Stay safe,
Jonathan Cowie,
Editor, Outdoor Swimmer
| Which venues are opening, and
After the government eased its restrictions on outdoor activities, swim venues asses whether or not they can safely open.
Safety advice issued following
update in lockdown restrictions
The STA is a national governing body for swimming and lifesaving that also trains professional open water swimming coaches.
| The bodies have collaborated to draw up the guidance that encourages people to take extra precautions when swimming in lakes, rivers or the
| Swim brands adapt to changing
Popular swimming brands Yonda and Deakin & Blue have launched face masks to help stop the spread of Covid-19.
| Returning to the water: if not
now, then when?
English Channel swimmer and open water coach Joanne Jones writes a personal view on returning to the open water.
| Fill out our survey on swimrun and be entered into a draw for a chance to win a Selkie Canvas Barrel Bag. Competition ends midnight Thursday 15th
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We are offering readers the chance to win one of five Tekrapods (worth €135 each) PLUS we have three £50 vouchers up for
Tekrapod provides a new approach to swimmer safety. It is worn as a small, close-fitting backpack that you forget is there. It is inactive until needed, but once you’ve pulled the toggle and inflated it, it sends an unambiguous signal that you need assistance. The float can easily be detached and passed to another swimmer in need, while avoiding the risk of having to approach too