Dear fellow swimmers
Surviving January with self-care and swimming
January has a reputation for being a tough month. It’s long, cold and mostly dark (for
those of us in the UK, anyway). Our finances may be drained and our fitness subpar after festive indulgences.
It’s also, arguably, the toughest month for swimming outdoors. The excitement of winter swimming starts to wear off as the weather gets grim. Inland water temperatures plummet. The sea will be colder in March but it’s not exactly balmy
It therefore makes sense to pamper yourself with a little self-care in January. We’ve pulled together a few non-swimming related suggestions below. But don’t forget swimming can also be part of your self-care regime. For example, because I like to race, I often push myself in swimming training. But I try to reserve at least one pool swim each week
to stretch out, relax and unwind. No hard efforts allowed.
Also, our outdoor swims can be therapeutic, as long as we’re sensible, keep our swims short and avoid getting too cold. I appreciate that the sun rises late, which means I can sleep long and, if I get the timing right, still enjoy a spectacular sunrise.
Expand your horizons
Remember too that January can be a time for renewal and hope. About now, you should start noticing the days getting longer. You may have started preparing and training for swimming adventures later in the year. You’ve still got almost all of 2025 to
look forward to.
And if you’re looking to expand your swimming in new directions this year, please take a look at Renaissance Swimmer. This is a new project I created for swimmers who want to explore more of what swimming offers and access all its benefits.