OK, let’s not get too carried away. Outdoor swimming will not help you achieve every New Year’s resolution, but it can make a noticeable difference to your life in many ways.
At Outdoor Swimmer magazine we celebrate and enjoy a wide range of outdoor swimming activities, from winter dipper to marathon swimming and everything in between.
We also know New Year’s resolutions can be quickly abandoned. One way to keep focused on your goals is to become part of a community and receive regular doses of inspiration. One of our
aims at Outdoor Swimmer magazine is to send you inspiration throughout the year, help you achieve your swimming goals and unlock the many benefits swimming gives you.
If you want swimming to be a bigger part of your life in 2025, and you want swimming to help you achieve your goals, check out our subscription options at the bottom of this email.
For additional motivation, sign up for one or both of our new challenges with Climate games.