I love how outdoor swimming means something different to every swimmer. Whether you are a wild swimmer, mental health dipper or weekend warrior, outdoor swimming is an inclusive sport: there is something for everyone, be it an early morning cold dip or
a 10k swim at a big event – or both! The Outdoor Swimmer team is also made up of different kinds of swimmers – so dive into the June issue of Outdoor Swimmer for inspiring swim stories for everyone.
In the June issue of Outdoor Swimmer we explore new ways to enjoy the water – whether that's sewing your own swimming costume or swimhiking the Devon coast. We find out how to campaign to get your local swim spot granted Designated Bathing Water status. As the summer solstice approaches, we offer
some creative ideas for celebrating the shifting seasons. And in our Coach section Dan Bullock shows how to prepare for the open water racing season with an easy-to-follow pool training session.
Order your copy of the new issue now for free shipping on all UK mainland deliveries.
Jonathan Cowie, Contributing Editor